WP7: Dissemination
Sharing the scientific results and technical capabilities of the new energy carrier producing process fast pyrolyses, catalytic pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonisation with interested users and scientists throughout the European Union and the World.
To make progress achieved available for everyone via publications, workshops and the online tools.
Inform local and regional communities, municipalities of cities and policy makers of the conversion pathways and the application possibilities.
Dateityp | Datei | Dateigröße | Download |
Del 7.2 Energy carrier online tool | 790 KB | Download |
Project structure
The project addresses the complete value chain from feedstock potential, the investigation of pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonisation conversion technologies, the optimisation of transport and logistics to the exploitation of the energy carrier and its by-products. The techno/economic and environmental assessment includes the complete supply chain.
more informationBioBoost coordination
Karlsruher Institut
für Technologie (KIT/IKFT)
Nicolaus Dahmen
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone +49 721 - 1608 22596