
WP1: Feedstock, potential, supply and logistics

Determination of the feedstock potential of agricultural residues, organic wastes and forestry residues in EU27 and Switzerland and calculation of the costs of feedstocks at field site. Development of a transport and logistic concept for year round feedstock supply to conversion sites.

A GEO portal was set up to demonstrate results of the geographical information system (GIS) .
Use the GEO portal to identify density (t/km2) and potentials (PJ/kt) of residual biomass like straw, forestry residues or roadside vegetation in your area of interest.

The Geoportal presents the analysis of the biomass potential in the EU-27 with their possible use for energy purposes. Estimates were made for spatial unit's NUTS-3, which are small regions with geocode standard for referencing the subdivisions of countries for statistical purposes.

The web application allows interactive browsing of the spatial data presenting density and technical potential of:

  • agricultural (straw, orchard's pruning, hay) and animal residues (manure surplus),
  • forestry residues,
  • natural conservation matter (urban maintenance of green areas, hay and shrubs),
  • roadside vegetation,
  • urban and industrial waste (biodegradable municipal waste, selected waste from the food and wood industry). 

The details of the analysis can be found in deliverable 1.2 feedstock potential:

Interactive maps are based on a web browser and are supporting operations like:

  • panning and zooming
  • display of selected object (NUTS) attributes (e.g.: potential of mass, energy, density)
  • change of a base layer between OpenStreetMap and Google Maps
  • change the contents of overlay layer

Project structure

The project addresses the complete value chain from feedstock potential, the investigation of pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonisation conversion technologies, the optimisation of transport and logistics to the exploitation of the energy carrier and its by-products. The techno/economic and environmental assessment includes the complete supply chain.

more information

BioBoost coordination

Karlsruher Institut
für Technologie (KIT/IKFT)
Nicolaus Dahmen
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone +49 721 - 1608 22596