

The project addresses the complete value chain from feedstock potential, the investigation of pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonisation conversion technologies, the optimisation of transport and logistics to the exploitation of the energy carrier and its by-products. The techno/economic and environmental assessment includes the complete supply chain.

Project structure

Determination of the feedstock potential of agricultural residues, organic wastes and forestry residues in EU25 and Switzerland and calculation of the costs of feedstocks at field site.
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Selection of feedstock for decentralized conversion technologies and their physical-chemical characterisation.
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Improvement of the economic performance of energy carriers by investigating methods for the recovery of high value chemicals and nutrients from pyrolysis condensates and HTC processes.
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Development of a holistic logistic model to optimize biomass and energy carrier transportation regarding distances, costs and CO2 emissions and to identify optimum locations for de-central and central plants.
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Testing and clasification of the technical and economic utilization paths of energy carrier(s).
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Identification, assessment and optimization of the techno-economic feasibility and environmental and social sustainability of the bio-energy carrier pathways in Europe as well as the preparation of a Market Implementation Plan for biomass energy carrier based value chains belong to this workpackage.
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Sharing the scientific results and technical capabilities of the new energy carrier producing process fast pyrolyses, catalytic pyrolysis and hydrothermal carbonisation with interested users and scientists throughout the European Union and the World.
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13 beneficiaries from 6 countries (Austria, Finland, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, Poland).

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BioBoost coordination

Karlsruher Institut
für Technologie (KIT/IKFT)
Nicolaus Dahmen
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Phone +49 721 - 1608 22596