
13.03.2012: BioBoost Kick-off meeting

The BioBoost consortium held the Kick-off meeting on 25th and 26th January 2012 at the Karlsruhe Instut fuer Technology in Karlsruhe. European Commission representative Philippe Schild (DG-Research) and Ralph Stahl the coordinator of BioBoost underlined the objectives and the expected contributions of the project towards a de-central conversion of biomass to optimised, high energy density carriers, which can be utilised in large scale applications for the synthesis of transportation fuel and chemicals or directly in small-scale combined heat and power plants. The Workpackage leaders presented their plans for the next 6-12 months and all beneficiaries agreed on administrative and management procedures. One of the highlights: A guided tour by Andrea Kruse and Ralph Stahl throught the bioliq® pilot plant and the KIT laboratories of the IKFT.